Sashco Log Jam Chinking
Log Jam Chinking by Sashco is a flexible sealant that is used to seal the joints of log homes. No matter what type of log property you own, it is important to use chinking, a synthetic mortar, to keep the log joints sealed. We sell single tubes or broken cases of Log Jam.
Synthetic mortar chinking for your log home or cabin. Log Jam synthetic mortar log home chinking that prevents cracks & protects log homes from wind, bugs, dust, rain & pollen. All of Sashco’s products are formulated to be compatible with one another. When their chinking and caulking are used with our stains, we give the chinking and caulking a limited lifetime warranty. Log Jam chinking for sale near me.
The standard for synthetic chinking. Largest Dealer of Sashco Log Jam
- Authorized Sashco dealer
- Free shipping
- We stock and ship 5 gallon pails
- Full cases
- Single 30 oz tubes click here
- Lowest prices online
Sashco Log Jam chinking colors
- Mortar White
- White White
- Buff
- Tan
- Woodtone Cedar
- Dark Brown
- Gray
- Light Gray
Coverage Rates per 5 Gallon Pail of Sashco Log Jam chinking:
- 1/2"' Wide Chinking Joint x 1/4" Depth = 770 Lineal Feet
- 1'' Wide Chinking Joint x 1/2" Depth = 195 Lineal Feet
- 1 1/2" Wide Chinking Joint x 1/2" Depth = 125 Lineal Feet
- 2" Wide Chinking Joint x 1/2" Depth = 95 Lineal Feet
- 3" Wide Chinking Joint x 1/2" Depth = 65 Lineal Feet
- 4" Wide Chinking Joint x 1/2" Depth = 45 Lineal Feet
Sashco online calculator
Best Price on Sashco Log Jam Nearby or Near Me
- Tightly grips to all species of wood including oily woods like cedar
- Will not pull away from log surfaces
- Will remain elastic and not tear up under normal log movement conditions, up to 100% in joint movement
- Compatible with most sealers and preservatives
- Protects from Log Rot
- Not intended to be used as stucco
Difference between Log Jam and Log Builder
- Sashco Log Builder is smooth
- Log jam has a texture to it
- Log Builder only comes in 3 colors
- Log builder comes in 10.5 oz tubes
Sashco Log Jam Chinking Dealer near me:
- Stretches up to 250% of original joint size without tearing
- Textured to simulate old-time mortar
- Easy to smooth and cleans up with water
- Superior early water resistance
- Won’t melt Styrofoam bead board – no more bumpy, unsightly chink lines
- Used on thousands of homes worldwide since 1985
- Freeze-thaw stable – OK to leave in your truck or garage overnight
Order backer rod to save on Log Jam chinking product use
Process of Log Jam chinking
- Pressure wash, sand black or sand first
- Stain cabin or logs
- Apply backer rod if needed - order here
- Apply chinking
Where to buy Log Jam Chinking case
Make sure that you have read our measurement guide to make sure that you have the right nozzle size and thickness. Start by lubricating your tools with a silicone type spray. Then put nozzle end of the gun into the bucket of chinking and pull the activator rod. This will suck the chinking into your gun. When applying your chinking you will want to check with the manufacturer for the recommended thickness.
On average you want your thickness to be between 3/16” and 1/4" if it is to thick it will flake and if it is to thin it will break. Once you apply your chinking, use a foam brush or spatula to go over your chinking with smooth strokes in one direction. It is important to use plenty of water or a release agent. If you use a release agent, then be careful not to use too much as it will affect your chinking. Make sure that the chinking is adhering to the top and bottom really well.
Sashco Log Jam chinking vs Perma Chink
- Synthetic sealant used to seal joists of logs
- Very flexible
- Mortar like and has texture | Trextured mortor like finish
- Used in place of caulking
- Protects log homes or log cabins
- Prevents moisture damage
- Both help eliminate heat loss
Use backer rods with Log cabin joints
- Use on all joints over 1/4"
- Joints over 1/4" whenever backer rod is NOT used it will crack in center
- Saves on chinking cost
Same day Free shipping on all orders
- 1 day shipping to Michigan and Ohio
- 2 day shipping to kentucky, Tennessee, New York, Montana, Minnessota, Wisconsin
Out Performs Perma Chink and Log Home Caulk
- Perma-Chink chinking
- Chinking dealers near me
- Best Chinking
- Sikkens caulk
- Home Depot or Lowes chinking
- Where to buy chinking
- Sealant made for log cabin structures
Sealant for Log Structures
Can you paint Log Jam Chinking?
Using a foam paint brush, paint pad or trowel (whichever you prefer), apply the chink paint and smooth onto the chink line. Clean off any drips or runs immediately so they don't dry on the wood and stain it. Allow to thoroughly dry. Cover exterior walls if rainfall is expected within 24 hours after application.