Bug Juice Additive
Bug Juice Additive | Paint and Stain Additive | Insect Repellant
Bug Juice additive will deter carpenter bees and other insects from your exterior wood. This can be applied on most interior and exterior surfaces, including kitchens and pantries. The active ingredient is deltamethrin. It will kill most ants, cockroaches, beetles, mites, spiders, fleas, ticks, silverfish, dirt daubers, wasps, ladybugs and Carpenter Bees. It is a contact pesticide which poisons the insects and begins to work after an insect makes contact with the treated surface. Bug Juice Insecticide will not affect the color or drying time of the coating and has no odor.
Walla Wall Bug Juice | Bee Gone Treatment for Insects
Unlike Bee Gone, Walla Walla carpenter bee repellant and Insecticide will last up to 4 years depending on where it is applied. Bug Juice can be added to any oil or latex ( water) based paint, stain or sealant.
So, this is an insecticide paint additive that is designed to kill flying and crawling insects that alight on most interior and all exterior surfaces. Bug-Juice does not repel insects. It kills crawling and flying insects ranging from ants to mosquitoes and cockroaches to silverfish and weevil.
Use Bug Juice additive in Sikkens stain?
- Compared to traditional pest control measures Bug Juice is extremely cost effective.
- Anyone can use Bug Juice so the need for professional pest control is reduced.
- Walla walla Bug Juice is safe to use in most applications
- Once added to the paint or stain, you can apply the material.
- proven to work and has a history of over 20 years in America.
- No need to buy other pest control products like ant bait etc.
- Can be used nearly anywhere in the home.
- Easy to apply, so you won’t need to hire an expensive contractor.
Add Bug Juice stain and get rid of Carpenter bees
This is a contractors choice to add to their clients stain and paint. So, ask them for the best deterrent of carpenter bees and other insects
Walla Walla Environmental registered the first ever Bug Juice additive for stain and paints.
Where to buy Bug Juice Repellant
Like other additives such as M1, Wall Walla Bug Juice Insecticide Paint Additive, it offers the consumer what home owners were looking for. This is an insecticide paint additive that can be used on most painted surfaces. Use this in all exterior stain and paint
Where to buy Bee Gone - Stop the Carpenter Bee's in Exterior Wood